Piaget's views on Moral Development

Piaget's views on Moral Development

Piaget (1932) proposed two stages of moral development that are heteronomous morality and autonomous morality. He derived his theory from observing, interviewing and quizzing the children on their thinking about game’s rules. He extensively observed and interview 4 to 12 years old children. He watched them play marbles, seeking to learn how they used and thought about the game’s rules.

Stage 1- Heteronomous Morality (4 – 10 years old)

         From 4 to 7 years of age, children display heteronomous morality. Children think of justice and rules as unchangeable proper- ties of the world, remove from the control of people.
         From 7 to 10 years of age, children are in transition showing some features of the first stage of  moral reasoning and some features of the  second  stage, autonomous morality.
         Because  young  children  are  heteronomous    moralist,  they judge the rightness or goodness of behaviour by considering its consequences, not the intentions of the actor.
           For examples : Killing 10 birds accidentally is worse than killing 1 bird intentionally.

Stage 2 - Autonomous Morality (10 years and above)

• From about 10 years of age and older, children show autonomous morality. They became aware that rules and laws are created by people, and in judging an action. They consider the actor’s  intentions as well as the consequences.
• The older children, moral autonomist,  accept  change  in rules example accept change in new  rules of playing marbles suggested by Piaget, contrast with younger children, they resist change because they believes that rules are unchangeable.
•    So  older  children  accept  change  in  rules  and  recognize that rules are merely convenient conventions, subjects to change.

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Topic 7:kohlber Koh stages of moral development

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